Easter without a race is a bit like Easter without ,well, eggs.
So when on April 1st I saw a Facebook advert for the Run NW Lucky Dip challenge I was in. Well it’s for Charity so not too hard to justify.
A few days later a package arrived with a t-shirt from the 2019 Alderley Park Trail 10K and a medal from the Southport Seaside 2019 10K.

Since there’s not much seaside in Cawood ; even if there is still plenty of sand in sandbags, and I was a regular visitor to Alderley Park in the 1990’s * I decided the Easter Monday Alderley Park 2019 10K Trail would take place in Cawood.
(*There is photographic evidence somewhere of me in a jacket that was unacceptable even in the 90’s resembling a tailored version of some of my leggings – but I’ll spare you that.)
The race started at a civilised 10:23 from the backdoor picking up the local Wolsey Way across fields to a road. A short road stretch before hitting the river bank just after 3K.
I tucked in behind the lead runner (aka Neil) as we followed the winding river bank for around 5K. Back onto road at the Church before crossing rejoining the Wolsey way across the common land at the back of Cawood Castle , across the playing field and then back to road for the final sprint finish to be the first lady home.

Series entries are open until 31st May – https://run-northwest.niftyentries.com/Lucky-Dip-virtual-run-for-charity-2020?fbclid=IwAR2JjgBd8A3YwJWTTaL7cbuNKHAFiXDB111Dh0EHcpCltFeP7lNB2sgOpPM